Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Work Out Your Own Salvation

You've probably heard the phrase, "Fake it 'til you make it." I'll bet a Christian came up with that one. We are great at faking a Christian attitude most of the time. The real problem comes when we think faking it will lead to making it (to be better/real Christians, to changing ourselves, to the kingdom). I've tried "faking it." It takes more work than actually surrendering myself to God and Him "making it."

Philippians 2:5 says, "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,..." We shouldn't keep trying to fake the presence of Christ in our hearts. He actually should be there. But the best news comes in verses 12 and 13.

"Therefore, my beloved, ... work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure."

Paul and Timothy tell us to individually seek out salvation. Most of the time we read this verse and think God's telling us to work harder. But He's actually telling us to seek Him on our own. Don't rely on your friend's/parent's/grandma's/sibling's/pastor's relationship with Christ to sustain you. Work out your own salvation.

Secondly, you're not the one who does the work (or earning part). Ever. It is GOD who works in you. Just consider that part for a second. GOD is working. GOD is working in YOU. Wow. He cares enough to get His hands "dirty" in your messy life.

Finally, God does two things: 1. He grants the will, and 2. He gives the power

You get up some days and you despise Christianity. The church bores you, frustrates you, annoys you, embarrasses you. You're tired. You're disinterested. You just want a day off. Philippians says God can restore your will to seek salvation. God gives us the desire, the want-to, the motivation, the passion. He gave it to us the first time and He will work in you again to restore it.

He also gives you the power to have the mind of Christ (and his heart and actions, too). God gives you the power to do. Everything God ever asks of us is by His power and strength. You need to apologize to your wife or girlfriend...He'll give you the power. You need to conquer an addiction or sinful attitude...He'll grant you the power. You can't stand that co-worker who is unbearably nasty...God will change your heart and give you the power to love them.

It's so simple it seems wrong. Let the mind of Christ dwell in You. Pray this prayer:

God, use my brain to think Your thoughts. Use my mouth to speak Your words. Use my eyes to see Your people as You see them. Use my heart to love with Your love. Let Your will be my will. Give me the power I need to do what You ask me to do. Amen

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