Thursday, January 19, 2012

Portion Control

"My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." -Psalm 73:26

My cousin once took a large piece of communion bread off the passing plate and his dad told him not to be selfish by taking a big piece. My cousin replied, "Dad, you can never get too much of Jesus."

We spend a good part of our lives fighting a battle with food. For some it's not a battle at all (we just surrender to the power of good food). There is an unspoken rule at potlucks and buffets: eat until you feel like sleeping for the next week. Most of us have little self-control when it comes to filling our plates.

My health-conscious (and beautiful, mind you) wife says the one of the greatest tools in the fight against weight/food is portion control. Not an earth shattering revelation to be sure. But it's important to remember this. Your body should only get a certain portion at a time, otherwise you get sick or gain unnecessary weight. Eat slowly enough your body can recognize it's full and then wait to digest before eating again.

Jesus called Himself the bread of life. Like my cousin I've often wondered whether it's possible to get too much of Jesus. On one hand we should all shout "NO!" I mean really, on it's face more Jesus seems better, right? But I believe history proves Jesus is willing to let us feast on His sacrifice and grace and He'll bring out the truth in courses. He knows the right appetizer for us. He has planned the main course and He is carefully crafting the dessert. But He's in charge of the meal, not me.

Don't worry about what course of the spiritual meal you're on. Let Jesus serve you each course in it's proper time. Keep eating. Chew carefully. When He says you're ready He'll place the next plate in front of you and you're spiritual body will receive the nourishment it needs. May Jesus be your portion forever.

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