Saturday, January 14, 2012

Beatitudinal Adjustment: part 2 - The Mourners

"Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted." -Matthew 5:4

Life provides ample opportunities to mourn. Families break apart, friends die, we lose jobs, those closest to us move away, people betray trust and others take advantage of us. Unfortunately modern perception is such that certain people don't cry (i.e. real men or big girls). The reality is we all can/should/need to cry at some point. Everyone is programmed with emotions. It is unhealthy, and unbiblical, to store up the feelings of sorrow and pain that come naturally with loss.

Jesus let the crowd on the Mount of Blessings know they are never alone in their despair. Christ offers a twin-tiered comfort.
1. Current comfort
2. Eternal comfort

Just before His betrayal Jesus promised the arrival of another Helper (or Comforter) to abide with us forever. The presence of the Spirit brings us comfort because He speaks the words of Jesus to us. He reminds us of the words Jesus spoke to us during His life on earth, including the promise of His return for us.

Christ's return and promised everlasting kingdom provides great comfort. Revelation 21:4 says the residents of the heavenly city will live in a place like we have never known. It says "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."

The mourning Jesus alludes to in the Beatitudes goes deeper than the "physical" or "normal" mourning we think of with the grieving process. A "true heart sorrow for sin" is the mourning God wants from each of us. (Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings, p.9)

God will bring final, eternal comfort to those who mourn their own (and other's) sinfulness. Our contrite heart brings joy to the heart of God and He grants forgiveness and newness of life. He brings peace which passes all understanding to our lives. "Christ lifts up the contrite heart and refines the mourning soul until it becomes His abode." (ibid., p.11)

Our Savior does not intend for our hearts to be weighed down forever with sorrow and pain from this life. He wants us to lift up our face to the giver of all good and perfect gifts. Drink for the fountain of living water and eat of the bread of life.

"The blessed Savior stands by many whose eyes are so blinded by tears that they do not discern Him....He has loved us with an everlasting love and with loving-kindness compassed about us....He will lift the soul above the daily sorrow and perplexity, into a realm of peace." (ibid., p.12)

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