Monday, July 23, 2012

The True Fan

Long ago I was a "true" baseball fan. The Chicago White Sox were my favorite team with Robin Ventura at third base, Ozzie Guillen at shortstop, Ray Durham at second base and Frank Thomas, my favorite player, at first base. Living in Kansas City meant I like a division rival. (In reality I liked the White Sox just to annoy my all-KC-fan friends.) I knew statistics and followed box scores. I dreamed of playing for the White Sox and even winning the World Series wearing the white and black pin stripe jerseys.

A fan is "a person who has compulsion toward" something in particular. (reference) shows similar words: buff, devotee, enthusiast, fanatic, freak, nut and junkie. This certainly described my love of baseball, and especially the White Sox, when I was 8-11 years old. As I grew older my loyalties morphed and I've become less fanatical for specific teams and more appreciative of the sport. In the mind of the "true fans" out there, I would most likely be seen as a turn-coat or lazy fan. Maybe I'm seen as a bandwagon fan.

Where does your devotion to Jesus rank on the Christian "fan-dom" scale? Much like my evolving baseball enthusiasm my devotion to Christianity and Jesus ebbs and flows. Admittedly my commitment waxes and wanes from day to day and moment to moment. There are times I can name the players on God's team with confidence and pride. Other times I couldn't care less. And though my wavering allegiances to baseball teams means little in the long run, I recognize the importance of choosing Christ's "team" and sticking with it.

It can be difficult to look around the bench (in church we call them pews) and wondering how we could possibly win a single game, let alone a championship. Our uniforms don't match or look like their from another era. Our signals are crossed and many players seem uncoordinated or uninterested in the action on the field. In short, we are screwed. But if watching sports comeback movies has taught me anything it's that the manager makes a huge difference.

Jesus Christ has a plan for this eclectic line-up of players in His dugout. He knows where each one fits. We cannot expect to win being fair-weather fans (or players). God's long-term quest for an eternal championship will be realized. Do not cast aside your confidence in your Manager. Keep showing up to the game, playing for the right team and waiting for Jesus Christ to bring in the greatest closer of all-time.

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